Monday, November 14, 2011

What is Backlink & how to find backlinks that point to your blog / website

Previously, I want to give a little explanation of what it is backlink. Backlinks can be text or images, where image / text leads to a certain web address .

Backlinks divided into 2 categories, namely internal and external backlinks ...
Internal backlink is a link where the link leads / go to an article / section of the blog, while the external backlink is a link that leads to your blog / website belong to us,
external backlink is a link that leads to your blog / website from other blogs, usually backlinks like this in the can by exchanging link among bloggers or also by commenting on blogs dofollow ..

Backlink considered a magic formula in the current SEO techniques., From the above two categories of backlinks, external backlinks are the most influential to increase traffic to your blog / web us, to get more traffic then diligently search for backlinks, but we also have to choose what backlinks just a quality to increase our blog traffic, of which we have to find a backlink from a blog / website with high PR.

With so many backlinks that point to our blog then chances are your blog indexed by google more wide open.

To search for backlinks we also can hunt on dofollow blogs. With comments on blogs dofollow then automatically we will get a backlink from a blog. so my advice to comment when visiting a blog, particularly in dofollow blogs .. we also have to be friends with other bloggers to exchange links. In addition we could submit our blog to a social bookmarking site.

After learning a bit about what it is backlinks ..
So how do we know how many external links that point to our blog, Just visit the following link :

Hopefully this simple article can be useful for all ..

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Autorun Virus Remover To Remove Autorun File On The Computer

Beware if you insert / plug USB drives such as flash, external hard drive or other removable storage media, because of the possibility your computer is infected with a virus that runs on usb media drive (run automatically via AutoRun). The process takes place when we connect / insert the USB drive that is infected by the virus, without us knowing, there is a program that automatically autorun virus infect our computers without permission.

AutoRun is actually used to run a program automatically when you insert a removable disk or CD or DVD.
existing autorun on CDs or DVDs are usually used to run the installation program, for example we insert the MS Office installation CD into your computer and then some time on our computer screen appears, then the instructions to install the MS Office. That's a brief explanation of the use Autorun on a CD media.

While on removable media disks are typically used to run automatically type of multimedia files .. because the nature of the removable disk that can Read & write it sometimes removable disks can also be inserted by viruses that exploit the autorun facility to infect and make an attack against a computer.

Media such as CD or DVD was actually also be used as a medium for the virus to infect computers via AutoRun .. but the difference if the media, especially CD R  of course we can not remove the autorun ..
Actually we can also turn off autoplay facilities on our windows, but it is not quite optimal.

To solve the above problem I would like to share information to combat the virus with autorun remover virus. This software is able to remove autorun contained on removable media disk.
So when we connect a removable media then the autorun virus remover will immediately scan the media is to find the whereabouts of autorun virus and will delete it when it found a virus autorun on removable media .. other than that autorun virus remover product is also compatible with antivirus / security product similar.

you can try to download it at:

Free Download Autorun Virus Remover

I hope this information can be useful for all ...

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Saturday, November 5, 2011


Data loss due to damaged or formatted the hard drive / flash we are now is not a severe problem for us.
Now, it's been a lot of recovery software to restore erased data even formatted. For this problem I have a recommendation software that can be used to restore your data that has been formatted. DATA RECOVERY ICARE is the answer.

Icare is a Data Recovery software to restore data on disks formatted and can also be used to recover a file .. actually not the only hard drive that could in the recovery with this software, but also flash or other storage can too.
care is a Data Recovery software to restore data on the disk is formatted and can also be used to recover files .. actually not just a hard drive that can be in recovery with this software, but also a flash or other storage can too.

For more details about this software, you should try to click:

Download Icare Data Recovery

After downloading, try to install on your computer and then after that try running Icare Data Recovery, and select some menu options that you want to use, one of which is format of recovery.

Format recovery is used to view data that has been formatted on our hard drive that can be returned to our computers. Maybe not all the data we can return to normal but at least it could slightly help us.
For the other menus you can try for yourself .. I am sure you can use it because the software is fairly simple and easy.

Hopefully this article useful for all..

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The virus is a very disturbing for computer users. Virus until it's been so many types and variations, most viruses are interested in disrupting computer with windows based operating system, some reason why. probably because windows is currently the most popular operating systems today.

With so many viruses currently, there are ways the virus to infect a computer ..
SOME attacked through the media in the form of a USB Drive, USB media drives that include flash, hard drive and any external storage (storage) that uses a USB port ...
Through this medium, acting through autorun virus when we plug in the USB Drive into a USB port.

I have an information software that may be used to protect your computer from virus threats that come from the USB drive, the software is called USB DISK SECURITY .. Although we have turned off autoplay on windows but it feels incomplete if we do not use USB DISK SECURITY for maximizing protect computers from virus threats that come from the USB Drive.

USB disk security has many features including the most important is being able to protect / provide 100% protection against any threats via USB drive where other software may not have features like this.
Another feature is the USB Disk Security is no need to update .. please note, USB disk security is antivirus software, USB Disk Security is not like other antivirus that require updates
Additionally USB Disk Security is compatible with all software, so the possibility of clashing with other softwares are very small.
USB Disk Security has a feature repair registry and disk cleanup, making it possible to repair the windows registry is confounded by the virus.
Maybe there are many more other features that may be very useful for protecting your computer ..
To download USB Disk Security free of charge, please click:
Free download USB Disk Security

Hopefully this post can be useful.

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This time I want to give a little information about a software, this software called shadow defender.
What is a shadow defender?
Shadow Defender is software that used to freeze operating system / folder as well as local disk on your computer.
What is the utility shadow defender?
As per the title “securing windows with shadow defender”
, of course, this software is used to secure the operating windows installed on our computers and can also be used to secure specific files or folders that we can choose our heart's content ..
Because it is used to freeze the file / folder / local disk, then the operating system of our windows or files / folders that we shadow will return to the original settings before you install the shadow defender.
You can choose your heart's content file / folder / local disk that will be in shadow.

Overview of the same kind of software such as "deep freeze", would clearly different (different software and features of different content), securing windows with shadow defender has several advantages namely :
1. We can choose which parts to be activated with the shadow mode.
2. We can choose whether shadow mode will be completed after the system is restarted or the system will continue as we have been on the restart ..

many thought that the shadow Defender is a software replacement for deep freeze. secure the window with the shadow defender could be another option for us. because deepfreeze current can be broken with anti deep freeze / deep unfreezer ..
So it is important to secure windows with shadow defender ..

To download shadow defender please click:

Free Download Shadow Defender (SD1.1.0.331_Setup.exe)

Hopefully this info is useful for all ...

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

What is Google PageRank?

Google pagerank is a record of ranking a website / blog created by Google to determine how popular your website / blog in the eyes of google.
Assessment of the google page rank we do by giving a number that is from 1-10, where number 10 (ten) is a fantastic figure which means the page rank 10 is the best assessment by google. Indeed google assessment is somewhat different, usually when a champion will surely be numbered 1, which indicates that he is a champion, but for different google page rank, page rank number 1 is the smallest and the number 10 is the best page rank in google eyes.

For online businesses, presence of page rank is needed by them because the higher the page rank of our blog the sale value of your blog / website we also even higher and also more trusted by the advertiser, for this is google page rank is very important for the online business ..
just look to follow a specific program such as a paid review, they usually include several conditions, such as page rank fairly high as well so that other online business programs, with a high pagerank, the more jobs are accepted.
Once the importance of pagerank, some are willing to buy the domain names that already have a high page rank
To increase the page rank website / blog is not easy and required a specific technique that google would give us high ratings, since google has its own assessment to determine page rank blog / web us, so use a good method or technique / preferred by google them is do not do copy paste the article belongs to other people's blogs, original articles will be preferred by google and google many more ways of doing the assessment of a web / blog. Google page rank update approximately 3 months.

Hopefully a little reading above can be useful for you all.

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For those of you who like to play games on your computer, visualboy advance is one option that is right for playing your favorite games with Visualboy advance (VBA Emulator).

What is Visualboy advance (VBA Emolator)?
Visualboy advance emulator (VBA Emulator) is a software emulator to play the game..
Games can be played with VBA is a game with that type category Rom *. gba, *. gb, *. Gbc
Games can be played with this emulator is a game similar to that of the nintendo, like super mario, moto gp, magaman, ninja turtles, pokemon, dragonball and many others ..

Excellence played a game with a visual boy advance is easy to use and does not burden the computer, because the games we played was similar games nintendo then the file size small and fast loading so as to computers with low specifications are not too difficult to run this application.
play your favorite games with visualboyadvance also be more fun, because the support with a joystick and you can save your game so that it can continue later ...

to play your favorite games with visualboyadvance (VBA emulator), what is needed:
- Visualboyadvance emulator application (VBA Emulator)
- Rom Games (*. gba, *. gb, *. GBC)
Sometimes there is also VBA emulator ROM bundled with the game,

For free download please click Download VBA emulator

For free download please click Download Rom

for free download VBA Emulator + motogp rom please click Download

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Kalau anda punya flash disk yang rusak jangan terlebih dahulu memvonis flash disk anda betul – betul rusak permanen..
Tanya Kenapa ?
Mengapa harus repot , flash disk saya garansi seumur hidup?
Ya, memang Tulisan saya kali ini ditujukan bagi anda yang berjiwa teknisi tinggi & Anda yang punya flash disk rusak tapi flash disk anda tidak bergaransi sehingga anda tidak dapat menukar flash disk anda untuk mendapat flash disk yang baru..
Jangan khawatir , kita mungkin bisa memperbakinya tanpa perlu beli yang baru..
Sesuai dengan pengalaman , utak atik flash disk yang rusak, saya memiliki beberapa opini tentang bagaimana menyiasati lash disk anda yang rusak..
1. Flash disk anda tidak ke detek di windows anda, penyebabnya mungkin di karenakan virus yang masuk pada flash disk anda, solusinya coba tancapkan flash disk anda pada komputer yang memiliki operating system linux karena biasanya linux tahan dan lumayan kebal terhadap virus dan linux juga bisa mendeteksi file virus – virus yang tidak tampak ketika kita menggunakan windows ( file virus yang hidden ), bila flash disk anda ke detek di linux sebaiknya langsung format saja pakai linux.
2. Setelah cara ‘1’ tidak berhasil jangan kecewa mungkin cara kedua ini akan manjur untuk mengobati flash disk anda yang sedang koma dan hampir sekarat..
Untuk flash disk yang tidak terdetek sama sekali, Bila anda mempunya beberapa flash disk yang rusak / anda punya flash disk yang masih bisa digunakan cobalah saling bertukar komponen dengan flash disk anda yang rusak ( bagi anda yang berjiwa teknisi tentunya bisa merelakan 1 flash disk yang masih berfungsi sebagai bahan percobaan (hehe / kalau takut flash disk anda ikut rusak sebaiknya jangan terlalu nekat ).
- Flash disk Tidak tidak terdeteksi mungkin penyebabnya pada kaki – kaki komponen yang tidak menempel pada tempatnya, blower lah komponen pada flash disk anda khususnya pada IC ,ini dimaksudkan agar komponen yang tidak menempel dapat tersambung kembali pada tempatnya.. jika sudah selesai coba sambungkan kembali flash disk anda pada komputer.
- Jika cara di atas belum berhasil mari kita melangkah ke langkah selanjutnya.. biasanya Pada flash disk biasanya ada satu bagian yang seperti tabung ( secara umum bentunya seperti tabung / sejenisnya ), cobalah copot dengan solder/blower dan tukar dengan milik flash disk anda yang lainnya / tukar dengan milik flash disk anda yang masih berfungsi agar lebih mudah ketahuan bagian mana yang rusak..
- Jika cara di atas belum berhasil mungkin kerusakan terjadi pada ic flash disk, pada flash disk biasanya terdapat 2 IC yaitu yang kecil dan yang besar
Yang besar biasanya ada tulisan kapasitasnya,
Untuk langkah kali ini cobalah copot Ic yang kecil dengan menggunakan blower, lalu tukarlah dengan ic milik flash disk yang lain / kalau anda lumayan nekat tukar dengan milik flash disk anda yang masih bisa digunakan agar lebih mudah untuk menentukan kerusakan komponennya (pastikan pemasangan komponen sesuai tempatnya ). Setelah itu coba sambungkan flash disk pada komputer anda.

3. Flash disk anda terdeteksi di komputer tetapi kapasitasnya 0.
Cobalah sambungkan flash disk anda pada komputer yang memiliki operating system linux apakah kapasitasnya masih 0..
Kalau masih 0, kita bongkar saja flash disknya lalu kita cari IC yang paling besar ( biasanya ada 2 ic yaitu yang kecil dan besar )copot IC tersebut dengan blower dan tukar dengan komponen flash disk anda yang lain..coba sambungkan kembali flash disk pada komputer.
4. Flash disk anda terdeteksi oleh komputer tetapi tidak bisa di gunakan / mungkin kapasitanya 0 yang ditandai dengan munculnya panas berlebih pada flash disk anda..
Yang harus anda lakukan adalah stop sambungan flash disk anda pada komputer, untuk menghindari kerusakan lebih lanjut.. lalu bongkarlah flash disk anda dan coba amati pada kaki – kaki IC, apakah ada kaki IC yang saling menempel sehingga mengakibatkan korslet jika sudah ketemu kembalikanlah kaki IC tersebut ke posisi semula dan blowerlah agar kaki IC menempel kuat pada posisinya, karena jika tidak menempel kuat kemungkinan suatu saat masalah ini akan terulang kembali ( mungkin karena kejutan listrik waktu kita menghubungkan flash disk pada komputer dan jarak antak Kaki IC yang sangat pendek yang mengakibatkan Kaki – kaki IC menjadi menempel satu sama lain ) setelah itu cobalah sambungkan kembali flash disk anda pada komputer.. mudah mudahan bisa digunakan kembali..

Setelah mengikuti langkah di atas anda belum menemukan solusi untuk memulihkan kembali flash disk anda, segeralah anda ke toko terdekat dan belilah flash disk yang baru, (he..he.. just kidding)
Mudah - mudahan opini saya di atas bisa menjadi inspirasi buat anda semua, jangan gunakan opini saya di atas sebagai acuan mutlak, anda bisa juga mempunya opini tersendiri tentang masalah ini dan kita sama – sama belajar.. jangan terlalu nekat bila anda tidak yakin dengan opini saya ini.. oke
Kritik dan saran anda / mungkin ada yang salah dengan opini saya di atas, akan saya terima dengan senang hati demi kemajuan saya dan anda semua ke depannya..
Semoga bermanfaat..

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