Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Download Smadav Antivirus 2013 Rev. 9.2 (New Version, January 2013)

Smadav Antivirus 2013 Rev. 9.2 Update January 2013 - It is time for you to update your smadav antivirus to smadav antivirus 2013 rev. 9.2 Latest , because smadav antivirus 2013 rev. 9.2 has been released and can be downloaded for free (100% free).

A growing number of emerging range of new virus variants are more sophisticated and increasingly clever in doing / infect a computer so we need to anticipate that our computers can be tough and not easy to be attacked by a virus that is very harmful and could even make your computer's operating system is damaged.

Smadav Antivirus 2013 Rev. 9.2 (the latest, January 2013) 
now can be downloaded and can be installed on your computer. Smadav antivirus 2013 rev. 9.2 free download, I think it will suffice to provide adequate maximum protection for your computer because it's basically between SmadAV free and Smadav Pro has the same detection capabilities, so you should not hesitate to install and use smadav antivirus 2013 rev. 9.2 Free version and between smadav pro and free has quite same ability, but if you want to use smadav pro there is a little difference with smadav free, there are :

- Password admin
- Automatic updates online
- Scanning faster
- Maximize / resize
- Exeption List
- Change Color theme
- Permits the use of profit

So I think for non profit use, Smadav Free Version is a pretty good choice, although free but smadav (free version) has a powerful ability to detect viruses, particularly viruses that come / to attack via USB stick.

To SmadAV Antivirus 2013 rev. 9.3 (latest update, January 2013) is a refinement of previous versions smadav antivirus 2012 rev. 9.1 which was released around October 2012. Smadav antivirus 2013 rev. 9.2 comes with addition 229 a new virus database and has support with Windows 8, so for you the users of Windows 8, Windows 7, windows vista and windows XP can use smadav antivirus 2013 rev. 9.2

For maximum protection, you should install antivirus smadav 2013 rev. 9.2 together with other international antivirus like Kaspersky, AVG, Avira or the other. SmadAV highly compatible with other antivirus, so you do not have to worry about installing other antivirus with smadav antivirus 2013 rev. 9.2.

For the other part is still quite similar to the previous version, to read previous versions smadav antivirus 2012 rev. 9.1 you can read more at smadav antivirus 2012 rev. 9.1 free download

Okay, for those of you who want to try and download smadav antivirus 2013 rev. 9.2 you can download it via:

May be useful to you

New Update! Smadav Antivirus 2013 rev. 9.3 newest :

Monday, January 7, 2013

Protect USB Flash Drive with Password

The world is now very advanced technology. First forms of storage media is very large and not easy to carry (not Portable) such as: hard drive or floppy disk (that can be moved - moved but did not have an interesting shape and does not have a great capacity) now its role could be replaced by a storage medium called the USB Flash drive.

The presence of a USB flash drive as storage media is very effective and efficient, especially at this time there is a capacity USB flash drive that has reached the terabyte, which allow people to store all important data or personal data on USB Flash Drive.
Without you knowing it stores critical data / personal data on a USB flash drive will have a vulnerable security risk.

Due to the nature of USB Flash Drive is easy to use and can be taken anywhere, it could one day you lose your USB Flash Drive, or because a friend borrowed it, which of course can make your personal data will be stolen or copied without permission and used them to things that hurt us.

To overcome this problem, we should make a password for usb flash drive us. So that only you are to have full authority to work especial flash drive, you do not have to worry about important data if you lose your flash drive. because only you know the flash drive password, without password usb flash drive can not be used. To protect the flash drive with a password, you can use a software called USB Safeguard.
You can download this software for free, but for the free version can only be used on a flash drive with a capacity of 2 GB.
While for the trial, could you try to flash drives with capacities up to 2 terabytes....

Please visit the following link to download it :

After you download, copy file on your flash drive and run the USB Safeguard and follow the prompts until the installation is complete.

Good luck, hopefully this article can be useful for you.

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