Saturday, November 12, 2011

Autorun Virus Remover To Remove Autorun File On The Computer

Beware if you insert / plug USB drives such as flash, external hard drive or other removable storage media, because of the possibility your computer is infected with a virus that runs on usb media drive (run automatically via AutoRun). The process takes place when we connect / insert the USB drive that is infected by the virus, without us knowing, there is a program that automatically autorun virus infect our computers without permission.

AutoRun is actually used to run a program automatically when you insert a removable disk or CD or DVD.
existing autorun on CDs or DVDs are usually used to run the installation program, for example we insert the MS Office installation CD into your computer and then some time on our computer screen appears, then the instructions to install the MS Office. That's a brief explanation of the use Autorun on a CD media.

While on removable media disks are typically used to run automatically type of multimedia files .. because the nature of the removable disk that can Read & write it sometimes removable disks can also be inserted by viruses that exploit the autorun facility to infect and make an attack against a computer.

Media such as CD or DVD was actually also be used as a medium for the virus to infect computers via AutoRun .. but the difference if the media, especially CD R  of course we can not remove the autorun ..
Actually we can also turn off autoplay facilities on our windows, but it is not quite optimal.

To solve the above problem I would like to share information to combat the virus with autorun remover virus. This software is able to remove autorun contained on removable media disk.
So when we connect a removable media then the autorun virus remover will immediately scan the media is to find the whereabouts of autorun virus and will delete it when it found a virus autorun on removable media .. other than that autorun virus remover product is also compatible with antivirus / security product similar.

you can try to download it at:

Free Download Autorun Virus Remover

I hope this information can be useful for all ...

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