Sunday, December 11, 2011

Increase Capacity of RAM with USB Stick

This time I want to share about how to increase the capacity of RAM with USB stick ..
I addressed this article for readers who want to increase the capacity of RAM is just a USB stick ...
How do I make it?
For users of windows vista, to increase the RAM capacity will probably be very easy, using the existing use readyboost on windows vista ..

How to increase the capacity of RAM on Windows XP just by using a USB stick?
For us, the users of Windows XP to be able to increase the capacity of RAM without using pieces of RAM and only use a USB flash .. we can use ebooster.
Ebooster is a software to increase the capacity of RAM without using RAM chips, just use the USB stick.
Actually not just any USB stick that we can use to increase the capacity of RAM but can also use a memory card. (MC) or the like ..

To download Ebooster please click:

Free download ebooster download eBoostr.v3.0.Build.491with Patch

The next step, install on your computer and run the crack it ..
After booting is complete, then ebooster will automatically run and search for whatever tools we can use to increase the capacity of RAM (sebelunya plug the flash on a computer that can be detected by ebooster).
Select the device to be used as RAM and also specify the amount of capacity that will be used as RAM.
If it says "Do you want to build the cache file on the device now?" click yes.
Process is finished ...
very easy ...
Good luck ... I hope my writing can be useful for you all.

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Free Download Smadav Rev. 8.8

SmadAV Rev. 8.8 has now come to replace the previous version ..
With this newer version, SmadAV supplemented by several new features which is more perfect than the previous version, including:
- Addition of a new virus database 150
- Completion of Auto-scan is more accurate flash and interactive.
- As well as perfecting the new features that already existed before such as: scanning the registry, setting two new, one-Virus-By-User, etc..

now is the time to download and install smadav rev. 8.8 on your computer to maximize protection for your computer.
To download a free SmadAV Rev. 8.8 please click:

Free Download Smadav Rev. 8.8

I hope my information could be useful for you.

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Sunday, December 4, 2011


With more advanced technology today, the primary hard drive is not an option anymore to run the operating system. current OS (operating system) can also travel through the medium of CD (Compact Disk).

Especially for linux distros. A lot of linux distros out there that can run through the cd, of the many linux distros I was interested in puppy linux.

Initially when my computer was damaged on the hard drive so I can not use a computer.

Then I was looking for info on the internet about the linux live cd, which can run on my computer is super old. then i found a puppy linux live cd ..
The results are quite encouraging enough, puppy linux enough to help me, so I can use the computer, listening to music, etc. without the need to buy a new hard drive again, and to store important files can use a flash disk that we have.

Why I fell in love with puppy linux:

- Operating systems can be run live cd
- Can run Puppy Linux runs in RAM, so it allows us to take cd puppy linux after booting process is completed
- Simple
- The file size is small
- The program is also quite complete
- Able to delete the virus files are not visible when we use windows
- The driver is complete

Okay if you want to try and be interested to download puppy linux please click :

Download Puppy Linux Live CD

After visiting the link above choose model / version of linux puppy of your choice, remember downloaded files had the extension "*. iso".

Then after downloading the file *. iso, then stay in the burn
After the burn settings try booting your computer via a CD on your computer Bios.

I hope my writing can be useful for all ..

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Alexa rank ...
What Is the alexa rank ...
Alexa rank is a ranking of a website or blog created by made based on the number of visits to your blog or website that successfully recorded by

How can find out the number of visits a blog / website?
When the blog we have successfully registered to, we should install a script / widget that will we put on our blog .. This widget that will be a way for to find out how much the number of visitors to our blog .. so it's best if you install the Alexa widget on your blog.

In addition we also should install alexa toolbar on the browser you are taking ..
By installing Alexa toolbar on the browser we use, this will make it easier to find information visit Alexa when we visit our blog or the blogs of others who have been enrolled at

Alexa rank starting from rank 1 and so on, which ranks with the smallest number of the most good. This is what makes different alexa rank google page rank, where the google page rank peingkat rank 1 is the smallest and 10 is the best ranking.

After a brief explanation of what it knows alexa rank, we also need to know what the benefits of alexa rank.
Benefits include Alexa rank as a benchmark for us / How successful is our blog in cyberspace .. other than that if your blog has a good alexa rank will certainly make us proud and get prestige of course ..
Another benefit is we can make it easier to join the online business programs that use Alexa rank as a benchmark .. usually paid review program using the Alexa rank for / as a main requirement .. so the better the alexa ranking us the more our chances to get money from the internet ..

How to improve alexa rank?
To increase alexa rank a website or blog is by increasing the number of visitors to the blog / web us.
In addition we can also install the Alexa toolbar on the browser we use, the more often you visit your blog will surely increase the number of visits your blog so install / set the web address / blog on the home page the browser you use ..
In addition, install alexa widget on your blog / website.

For widgets alexa and alexa toolbar, you can be when you log on

To register please click :

Hopefully the above simple post could be helpful and beneficial to all

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Monday, November 14, 2011

What is Backlink & how to find backlinks that point to your blog / website

Previously, I want to give a little explanation of what it is backlink. Backlinks can be text or images, where image / text leads to a certain web address .

Backlinks divided into 2 categories, namely internal and external backlinks ...
Internal backlink is a link where the link leads / go to an article / section of the blog, while the external backlink is a link that leads to your blog / website belong to us,
external backlink is a link that leads to your blog / website from other blogs, usually backlinks like this in the can by exchanging link among bloggers or also by commenting on blogs dofollow ..

Backlink considered a magic formula in the current SEO techniques., From the above two categories of backlinks, external backlinks are the most influential to increase traffic to your blog / web us, to get more traffic then diligently search for backlinks, but we also have to choose what backlinks just a quality to increase our blog traffic, of which we have to find a backlink from a blog / website with high PR.

With so many backlinks that point to our blog then chances are your blog indexed by google more wide open.

To search for backlinks we also can hunt on dofollow blogs. With comments on blogs dofollow then automatically we will get a backlink from a blog. so my advice to comment when visiting a blog, particularly in dofollow blogs .. we also have to be friends with other bloggers to exchange links. In addition we could submit our blog to a social bookmarking site.

After learning a bit about what it is backlinks ..
So how do we know how many external links that point to our blog, Just visit the following link :

Hopefully this simple article can be useful for all ..

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Autorun Virus Remover To Remove Autorun File On The Computer

Beware if you insert / plug USB drives such as flash, external hard drive or other removable storage media, because of the possibility your computer is infected with a virus that runs on usb media drive (run automatically via AutoRun). The process takes place when we connect / insert the USB drive that is infected by the virus, without us knowing, there is a program that automatically autorun virus infect our computers without permission.

AutoRun is actually used to run a program automatically when you insert a removable disk or CD or DVD.
existing autorun on CDs or DVDs are usually used to run the installation program, for example we insert the MS Office installation CD into your computer and then some time on our computer screen appears, then the instructions to install the MS Office. That's a brief explanation of the use Autorun on a CD media.

While on removable media disks are typically used to run automatically type of multimedia files .. because the nature of the removable disk that can Read & write it sometimes removable disks can also be inserted by viruses that exploit the autorun facility to infect and make an attack against a computer.

Media such as CD or DVD was actually also be used as a medium for the virus to infect computers via AutoRun .. but the difference if the media, especially CD R  of course we can not remove the autorun ..
Actually we can also turn off autoplay facilities on our windows, but it is not quite optimal.

To solve the above problem I would like to share information to combat the virus with autorun remover virus. This software is able to remove autorun contained on removable media disk.
So when we connect a removable media then the autorun virus remover will immediately scan the media is to find the whereabouts of autorun virus and will delete it when it found a virus autorun on removable media .. other than that autorun virus remover product is also compatible with antivirus / security product similar.

you can try to download it at:

Free Download Autorun Virus Remover

I hope this information can be useful for all ...

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Saturday, November 5, 2011


Data loss due to damaged or formatted the hard drive / flash we are now is not a severe problem for us.
Now, it's been a lot of recovery software to restore erased data even formatted. For this problem I have a recommendation software that can be used to restore your data that has been formatted. DATA RECOVERY ICARE is the answer.

Icare is a Data Recovery software to restore data on disks formatted and can also be used to recover a file .. actually not the only hard drive that could in the recovery with this software, but also flash or other storage can too.
care is a Data Recovery software to restore data on the disk is formatted and can also be used to recover files .. actually not just a hard drive that can be in recovery with this software, but also a flash or other storage can too.

For more details about this software, you should try to click:

Download Icare Data Recovery

After downloading, try to install on your computer and then after that try running Icare Data Recovery, and select some menu options that you want to use, one of which is format of recovery.

Format recovery is used to view data that has been formatted on our hard drive that can be returned to our computers. Maybe not all the data we can return to normal but at least it could slightly help us.
For the other menus you can try for yourself .. I am sure you can use it because the software is fairly simple and easy.

Hopefully this article useful for all..

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The virus is a very disturbing for computer users. Virus until it's been so many types and variations, most viruses are interested in disrupting computer with windows based operating system, some reason why. probably because windows is currently the most popular operating systems today.

With so many viruses currently, there are ways the virus to infect a computer ..
SOME attacked through the media in the form of a USB Drive, USB media drives that include flash, hard drive and any external storage (storage) that uses a USB port ...
Through this medium, acting through autorun virus when we plug in the USB Drive into a USB port.

I have an information software that may be used to protect your computer from virus threats that come from the USB drive, the software is called USB DISK SECURITY .. Although we have turned off autoplay on windows but it feels incomplete if we do not use USB DISK SECURITY for maximizing protect computers from virus threats that come from the USB Drive.

USB disk security has many features including the most important is being able to protect / provide 100% protection against any threats via USB drive where other software may not have features like this.
Another feature is the USB Disk Security is no need to update .. please note, USB disk security is antivirus software, USB Disk Security is not like other antivirus that require updates
Additionally USB Disk Security is compatible with all software, so the possibility of clashing with other softwares are very small.
USB Disk Security has a feature repair registry and disk cleanup, making it possible to repair the windows registry is confounded by the virus.
Maybe there are many more other features that may be very useful for protecting your computer ..
To download USB Disk Security free of charge, please click:
Free download USB Disk Security

Hopefully this post can be useful.

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This time I want to give a little information about a software, this software called shadow defender.
What is a shadow defender?
Shadow Defender is software that used to freeze operating system / folder as well as local disk on your computer.
What is the utility shadow defender?
As per the title “securing windows with shadow defender”
, of course, this software is used to secure the operating windows installed on our computers and can also be used to secure specific files or folders that we can choose our heart's content ..
Because it is used to freeze the file / folder / local disk, then the operating system of our windows or files / folders that we shadow will return to the original settings before you install the shadow defender.
You can choose your heart's content file / folder / local disk that will be in shadow.

Overview of the same kind of software such as "deep freeze", would clearly different (different software and features of different content), securing windows with shadow defender has several advantages namely :
1. We can choose which parts to be activated with the shadow mode.
2. We can choose whether shadow mode will be completed after the system is restarted or the system will continue as we have been on the restart ..

many thought that the shadow Defender is a software replacement for deep freeze. secure the window with the shadow defender could be another option for us. because deepfreeze current can be broken with anti deep freeze / deep unfreezer ..
So it is important to secure windows with shadow defender ..

To download shadow defender please click:

Free Download Shadow Defender (SD1.1.0.331_Setup.exe)

Hopefully this info is useful for all ...

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

What is Google PageRank?

Google pagerank is a record of ranking a website / blog created by Google to determine how popular your website / blog in the eyes of google.
Assessment of the google page rank we do by giving a number that is from 1-10, where number 10 (ten) is a fantastic figure which means the page rank 10 is the best assessment by google. Indeed google assessment is somewhat different, usually when a champion will surely be numbered 1, which indicates that he is a champion, but for different google page rank, page rank number 1 is the smallest and the number 10 is the best page rank in google eyes.

For online businesses, presence of page rank is needed by them because the higher the page rank of our blog the sale value of your blog / website we also even higher and also more trusted by the advertiser, for this is google page rank is very important for the online business ..
just look to follow a specific program such as a paid review, they usually include several conditions, such as page rank fairly high as well so that other online business programs, with a high pagerank, the more jobs are accepted.
Once the importance of pagerank, some are willing to buy the domain names that already have a high page rank
To increase the page rank website / blog is not easy and required a specific technique that google would give us high ratings, since google has its own assessment to determine page rank blog / web us, so use a good method or technique / preferred by google them is do not do copy paste the article belongs to other people's blogs, original articles will be preferred by google and google many more ways of doing the assessment of a web / blog. Google page rank update approximately 3 months.

Hopefully a little reading above can be useful for you all.

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For those of you who like to play games on your computer, visualboy advance is one option that is right for playing your favorite games with Visualboy advance (VBA Emulator).

What is Visualboy advance (VBA Emolator)?
Visualboy advance emulator (VBA Emulator) is a software emulator to play the game..
Games can be played with VBA is a game with that type category Rom *. gba, *. gb, *. Gbc
Games can be played with this emulator is a game similar to that of the nintendo, like super mario, moto gp, magaman, ninja turtles, pokemon, dragonball and many others ..

Excellence played a game with a visual boy advance is easy to use and does not burden the computer, because the games we played was similar games nintendo then the file size small and fast loading so as to computers with low specifications are not too difficult to run this application.
play your favorite games with visualboyadvance also be more fun, because the support with a joystick and you can save your game so that it can continue later ...

to play your favorite games with visualboyadvance (VBA emulator), what is needed:
- Visualboyadvance emulator application (VBA Emulator)
- Rom Games (*. gba, *. gb, *. GBC)
Sometimes there is also VBA emulator ROM bundled with the game,

For free download please click Download VBA emulator

For free download please click Download Rom

for free download VBA Emulator + motogp rom please click Download

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Kalau anda punya flash disk yang rusak jangan terlebih dahulu memvonis flash disk anda betul – betul rusak permanen..
Tanya Kenapa ?
Mengapa harus repot , flash disk saya garansi seumur hidup?
Ya, memang Tulisan saya kali ini ditujukan bagi anda yang berjiwa teknisi tinggi & Anda yang punya flash disk rusak tapi flash disk anda tidak bergaransi sehingga anda tidak dapat menukar flash disk anda untuk mendapat flash disk yang baru..
Jangan khawatir , kita mungkin bisa memperbakinya tanpa perlu beli yang baru..
Sesuai dengan pengalaman , utak atik flash disk yang rusak, saya memiliki beberapa opini tentang bagaimana menyiasati lash disk anda yang rusak..
1. Flash disk anda tidak ke detek di windows anda, penyebabnya mungkin di karenakan virus yang masuk pada flash disk anda, solusinya coba tancapkan flash disk anda pada komputer yang memiliki operating system linux karena biasanya linux tahan dan lumayan kebal terhadap virus dan linux juga bisa mendeteksi file virus – virus yang tidak tampak ketika kita menggunakan windows ( file virus yang hidden ), bila flash disk anda ke detek di linux sebaiknya langsung format saja pakai linux.
2. Setelah cara ‘1’ tidak berhasil jangan kecewa mungkin cara kedua ini akan manjur untuk mengobati flash disk anda yang sedang koma dan hampir sekarat..
Untuk flash disk yang tidak terdetek sama sekali, Bila anda mempunya beberapa flash disk yang rusak / anda punya flash disk yang masih bisa digunakan cobalah saling bertukar komponen dengan flash disk anda yang rusak ( bagi anda yang berjiwa teknisi tentunya bisa merelakan 1 flash disk yang masih berfungsi sebagai bahan percobaan (hehe / kalau takut flash disk anda ikut rusak sebaiknya jangan terlalu nekat ).
- Flash disk Tidak tidak terdeteksi mungkin penyebabnya pada kaki – kaki komponen yang tidak menempel pada tempatnya, blower lah komponen pada flash disk anda khususnya pada IC ,ini dimaksudkan agar komponen yang tidak menempel dapat tersambung kembali pada tempatnya.. jika sudah selesai coba sambungkan kembali flash disk anda pada komputer.
- Jika cara di atas belum berhasil mari kita melangkah ke langkah selanjutnya.. biasanya Pada flash disk biasanya ada satu bagian yang seperti tabung ( secara umum bentunya seperti tabung / sejenisnya ), cobalah copot dengan solder/blower dan tukar dengan milik flash disk anda yang lainnya / tukar dengan milik flash disk anda yang masih berfungsi agar lebih mudah ketahuan bagian mana yang rusak..
- Jika cara di atas belum berhasil mungkin kerusakan terjadi pada ic flash disk, pada flash disk biasanya terdapat 2 IC yaitu yang kecil dan yang besar
Yang besar biasanya ada tulisan kapasitasnya,
Untuk langkah kali ini cobalah copot Ic yang kecil dengan menggunakan blower, lalu tukarlah dengan ic milik flash disk yang lain / kalau anda lumayan nekat tukar dengan milik flash disk anda yang masih bisa digunakan agar lebih mudah untuk menentukan kerusakan komponennya (pastikan pemasangan komponen sesuai tempatnya ). Setelah itu coba sambungkan flash disk pada komputer anda.

3. Flash disk anda terdeteksi di komputer tetapi kapasitasnya 0.
Cobalah sambungkan flash disk anda pada komputer yang memiliki operating system linux apakah kapasitasnya masih 0..
Kalau masih 0, kita bongkar saja flash disknya lalu kita cari IC yang paling besar ( biasanya ada 2 ic yaitu yang kecil dan besar )copot IC tersebut dengan blower dan tukar dengan komponen flash disk anda yang lain..coba sambungkan kembali flash disk pada komputer.
4. Flash disk anda terdeteksi oleh komputer tetapi tidak bisa di gunakan / mungkin kapasitanya 0 yang ditandai dengan munculnya panas berlebih pada flash disk anda..
Yang harus anda lakukan adalah stop sambungan flash disk anda pada komputer, untuk menghindari kerusakan lebih lanjut.. lalu bongkarlah flash disk anda dan coba amati pada kaki – kaki IC, apakah ada kaki IC yang saling menempel sehingga mengakibatkan korslet jika sudah ketemu kembalikanlah kaki IC tersebut ke posisi semula dan blowerlah agar kaki IC menempel kuat pada posisinya, karena jika tidak menempel kuat kemungkinan suatu saat masalah ini akan terulang kembali ( mungkin karena kejutan listrik waktu kita menghubungkan flash disk pada komputer dan jarak antak Kaki IC yang sangat pendek yang mengakibatkan Kaki – kaki IC menjadi menempel satu sama lain ) setelah itu cobalah sambungkan kembali flash disk anda pada komputer.. mudah mudahan bisa digunakan kembali..

Setelah mengikuti langkah di atas anda belum menemukan solusi untuk memulihkan kembali flash disk anda, segeralah anda ke toko terdekat dan belilah flash disk yang baru, (he..he.. just kidding)
Mudah - mudahan opini saya di atas bisa menjadi inspirasi buat anda semua, jangan gunakan opini saya di atas sebagai acuan mutlak, anda bisa juga mempunya opini tersendiri tentang masalah ini dan kita sama – sama belajar.. jangan terlalu nekat bila anda tidak yakin dengan opini saya ini.. oke
Kritik dan saran anda / mungkin ada yang salah dengan opini saya di atas, akan saya terima dengan senang hati demi kemajuan saya dan anda semua ke depannya..
Semoga bermanfaat..

Source :

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Fastest Way To Learn AutoCad

We’ve trimmed the fat that other AutoCAD and Revit training courses use to ‘Fatten Up’ their tutorials to add content. At, our AutoCAD and Revit Video Tutorials cover everything you need to get started quickly. Guaranteed.
info details click here...

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FireWall Pro... Protect Your Data!

You have only moments away from achieving Complete Computer Safety. Running your computer with no firewall puts your computer and all its data at risk from harmful internet intruders. Our software blocks these intrusion attempts and any form of unauthorized access to your computer.

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Did you know that SPYWARE is the number one threat to personal computing? Also, 9 out of 10 PCs that are hooked up to the INTERNET are infected with SPYWARE or ADWARE, and in most cases both! Not only can SPYWARE and ADWARE ruin your expensive computer forever, but they can possibly lead to you being fired from your job or even divorced. People can also be sent to prison for what SPYWARE has added to their computer!

SPYWARE and ADWARE are very horrible programs that you really should remove from your home and office computers right away!




How can Spyware lead to people being fired or divorced?

There are hundreds, possibly thousands, of SPYWARE programs that allow people to monitor what you do online. Many spouses and employers secretly download these SPYWARE programs onto their PCs so they can monitor everything their employees and spouses do online. These programs can do all of the following if not more:

Every WEBSITE you visit
EMAILS you send and receive
INSTANT MESSAGES sent and received
CHAT ROOM conversion made
Every PROGRAM that your run
Every KEYSTROKE you type

You don't want people spying on you to make sure you are a good person do you?

There are also SPYWARE programs out there that allow people to secretly download image onto your PC. What if someone wanted to get you in trouble and downloaded a program that allowed them to place illegal content onto your hard drive such as child pornography or terrorist activity files? This type of SPYWARE could get you in serious trouble!

How can SPYWARE and ADWARE infect my computer?

Your PC has a 90% chance of being infected with spyware and adware if you have ever downloaded any of the following:


What is SPYWARE?

Spyware applications are programs and files that hide on your PC's hard drive without your direct knowledge. These programs allow hackers and advertising companies to track your every move, both online and even when you work offline. They can track the websites you visit, the items that you buy online, the emails you send and receive, your Instant Message dialog, and worst of all they can even record your credit card number, personal identification numbers, and all of your passwords. If you use dial-up to connect to the Internet then spyware can be used to bill 900 numbers to your phone bill. This is just a short list of the harm that spyware can cause.

What is ADWARE?

Adware applications are installed onto your PCs hard drive by Internet advertising companies that allow them to inundate you with pop-up ad after pop-up ad all day long. Have you ever noticed a strange icon on your desktop or start menu and wondered where it came from? Have you ever logged on to the Internet to find that your home page had been switched? Are there strange search bars on every page you visit? These are all adware programs. These program can place icons almost anywhere on your PC, they can change your home page whenever they wish, and they control your google search results so you see the results that they want you to see.

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Download and try NoAdware for free!

Your PC is probably infected with adware & spyware if:

You have downloaded music online
Your PC is running extremely slow
You are pestered by those horrible popup ads
Your homepage keeps changing

Don't let people invade your privacy and slow down your PC! Try NoAdware for FREE and see for yourself if your PC is infected!

What is Spyware and Adware?

Spyware and Adware is software made by publishers that allow them to snoop on your browsing activity, invade your privacy, and flood you with those horrible popups. If you are like most users on the internet, chances are you are probably infected with these applications. That is why we have designed our revolutionary product.

info details click here..

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Penny Stock Investing and Penny Stock Invesment Tips | The Penny Stock Prophet

Forget BIG being beautiful when it comes to growing your money… the numbers don’t compute.

From 2000 to 2010, the S&P 500—loaded with America’s biggest companies—lost investors $9.6 trillion dollars of wealth!

Thankfully, Nathan Gold, The Penny Stock Egghead, has happier news for investors.

“During that same time period, lowly penny stocks (companies undiscovered, under-priced and overlooked by Wall Street)...

to details click here..

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Secrets to Dog Training *Updated — Secrets to Dog Training *UpdatedSecrets to Dog Training (aka SitStayFetch) has been the No. 1 dog training and behavior site for 4 years. See email, or call 1-800-798-8318 for more information.Popularity: 4, Gravity: 68.6541, Percent Per Sale: 69, Earned Per Sale: 30.8644, Commission: 75, Referred: 61 Dec 16, 2010..

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Marathon Training Program - Marathon Training Tips

Check Out This Amazing Marathon Training Program. Marathon Training Tips That Are Guaranteed To Break Your Personal Record..
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Specific Off Ice Training For Hockey Goalies And Skaters

An off-ice training program for hockey goalies, Ultimate Goalie Training is the complete package. Hockey players can instantly download this 12-week training program that is guaranteed to improve their performance on the ice. Hockey goalies will incorporate drills and exercises to improve their flexibility, strength, core stability, stamina, speed and reactivity

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fix PC Errors with Ease. Easily Scan, Repair and Speed up PC.

Registry Easy™ is an award-winning Windows Registry Cleaner that helps you scan your PC. Safely clean the errors & invalid entries which cause system slowdown, freezing and crashing! Repair registry problems! Improve your PC performance!

To details information click here..

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Best Registry Cleaner - Fix Windows Errors

WiseFixer™ monitors processes and boosts performance by managing Startup items, cleaning the Windows registry and optimizing System settings
to details, click here

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ultimate Laptop Repair Videos Collection In Hd

Want To Know How To Fix Laptops? Check Out Over 12 Full Hours Of High Clarity Hd Videos Recorded By A Well-known Professional Repair Technician. This Is A Master Course In Fixing Laptops.
to details, Click Here!

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Free download MotoGP series 16, philip island Australia

For those of you who yesterday did not get to watch live MotoGP series 16, philip island Australia, do not worry because you can download it for free ..
File size about 300 Mb and *. mkv format ..
To play *. mkv files you can download this mkvplayer or read my article on my previous post

Okay I give you the download link:
Free download MotoGP Philip Island, Australia 16 series (300 MB)

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Free Download YouTube FLV Converter / How to play videos from YouTube

If you are a person who frequently download videos from you tube article must download a free FLV YouTube Converter & how to play videos from youtube that my post might not be too important to you, I addressed this article is for those people who do not know / do not understand about how how to play videos from youtube.

For those of you who like me who had felt confused because they can not play your favorite videos downloaded from youtube. must have been very disappointed, but already in the try with a wide range of video player software but still can not ... How do I?

Because the experiences above, made me inspired to write an article on how to play videos from youtube and download a free FLV YouTube Converter.

First we have to do is we are a free download YouTube FLV converter
To Download please click:
Download flv youtube converter

If it is then we just install FLV YouTube Converter before, and then start it the file ..
Choose the *. FLV files you want to convert to *. avi or other format types ..
When finished, now you can play *. flv files that have been converted into *. avi in with windows media player.

Good luck & may be useful

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This type of *. mkv files are not supported by windows media player, is to play this type of file through windows media player codec needed special ..
At first I was confused because I can not play *. mkv files that I downloaded with windows media player, then I try to play it using gom player but could not because there are certain codecs that must be downloaded and then I try to use gxine in puppy linux linux because I expected this one is usually quite reliable but can not be as well.
Then I try to use the jet audio, with this one program I can just enjoy the *. mkv file that I downloaded. Although quite slow when I play a file type through a jet audio, but pretty good rather than not at all see the MotoGP event as I like ..

In addition to the above, type *. Mkv video files can also be played through windows media player with our requirement to install certain codecs are downloaded from the internet ..
Based on an article that I read from bloggers out there, to play the file type through windows media player we have to install certain codecs are downloaded from the internet, we have to do is download the codecs ..
To download the codec please click :
Download codec

Then after we downloaded the file, the next step is to execute the file ..
After the install is complete .. then the *. mkv files can now be played with windows media player ..
In addition to the above file types *. mkv can also be rotated with MKV Player software, way is to download the MKV Player :
free download MKV player

Hopefully this post can be useful for you all

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What is a blog auto content / auto post

Auto Blog Content or often also called auto post is a blog where the article can be updated automatically even if we did not post the article. Most blog like this is a blog that just want to look for traffic and most people also visit the blog of this kind will also annoyed me included.
Auto blog content / auto post like this can be made in several ways including:
• Either install the plug in a special WP
• By registering at the site providers to make auto content blog / auto post
I do not want to explain / can not explain about how to create a blog like this, the reason this blog is very detrimental to the visitors and other bloggers as well, and certainly very annoying.
Blogs like this are very beneficial for the blog owner, but for bloggers who honestly and sincerely wanted to make a real blog. my advice is do not, create a blog like this, besides the hate by other bloggers hated also by the visitors.

Finding articles on a blog like this is just a waste of time (it's in my opinion). because we are looking for articles that do not / hard to find even in these blogs have presented what we are looking for, but it's just a sham that only spins - play alone and do not find what we seek.
So it is best to avoid blogs like this, based on an article that I read from other bloggers, blog content is characterized by the existence of auto / extra serach behind its domain name example :

We recommend that you avoid the auto blog content / auto post because it will just waste your time ..

Hopefully my posts useful ..

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Free download antivirus SmadAV 2011 rev. 8.7

This time I'll give a little info about antivirus software made ​​in Indonesia which focuses on antivirus protection and cleaning thoroughly for viruses - viruses that are popular locally Indonesia today.

After launching smadav 8.6, smadav 8.7 now comes with the ability / the addition of 100 new virus database and the new detection technique (FFD): the total for the prevention of virus from USB stick, english feature can now be used in SmadAV Free, Changes in structure and many settings more features - other features.
Use antivirus smadav together internationally to maximize the protection of your computer so that more immune from virus attacks ..
To download free smadav 2011 rev. 8.7 please click:

Free download Smadav 2011 rev. 8.7 free Or you want to know more about Antivirus SmadAV please click here

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Friday, September 2, 2011

A list of social bookmarking sites Indonesian and international

a social bookmarking site is good news for bloggers to increase / popularizing articles that we post on our blog so that our blog will most likely be visited by visitors will be even greater and our blog page rank can also be increased.
With social bookmarking sites we can establish communication with other bloggers around the world.
With social bookmarking site, we can also find ideas for writing articles when our minds are blank / confused to write an article.
With social bookmarking site, we can also get a free backlink.
And probably many more benefits if you join us in the social bookmarking site.
That's why social sites bookarking considered important in one of the SEO techniques to increase the number of visits to your blog / website and increase the page rank of your website / blog.
Here are some list of social bookmarking site that I can share, out there are probably many more other social bookmarking sites

Some social bookmarking sites Indonesia :

some of the social bookmarking site list of international :

Similarly, some social bookmarking site list, hopefully can help you all ..

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Find Your Favorite Files

You are confused to find a download link / you're looking for software, not dizzy just try searching your favorite files in
By typing a word / what you are looking at then all forms of software or anything related to what you typed before will instantly appear. is a search engine for files shared sites such as rapidshare, hotfile and megaupload, so chances are what you are looking for will be found
Still unsure or confused by my explanation above just visit 

Hope can help all of you.

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Write a post blog articles offline / Edit and Manage your blog offline with BlogJet

Before knowing more about how to write a post blog articles offline, should we have to know what it is BlogJet.
BlogJet is a software used to write a post blog articles offline.

Why write a blog post offline?
The Answer is : "we can save the cost of internet access"
By writing a blog for posting articles offline you can save the cost of Internet access that makes us a headache but it can also be more relaxed in creating articles that will we post on our blog because it does not have to think about the cost of the internet.
We just need internet access on our time to install BlogJet and when we post our articles to the Internet. So write posting articles with BlogJet would obviously help us in writing posting articles on our blog offline.

Why choose BlogJet as a medium for writing blog posts articles offline?
- Blogjet supports all leading blog services (WordPress, TypePad, Movable Type,Blogger, MSN Live Spaces, Blogware, BlogHarbor, Squarespace, Drupal, Community Server, and other blog engines supporting MetaWeblog API, Blogger API, or Movable Type API.)
- WYSIWYG Editor .Format your posts just like in ordinary word processors like Microsoft Word. No need to learn HTML.
- Insert pictures from your computer or camera, resize them or create thumbnails BlogJet will take care of uploading them to your blog or FTP server.
- BlogJet integrates with FeedDemon, RSS Bandit, NewsGator and others for you to be able to blog about something in just a few clicks.
- Your photos on Flickr and videos on YouTube will complement your blog – and now it’s easy to insert them to your posts, as BlogJet supports these services natively.
- Your mistakes won’t go unnoticed thanks to the new spell checker, which supports many languages.
- If you have several blogs, BlogJet can publish the same post into each one of them, even if they are on different blog services.
- In addition BlogJet is also available version free download (trial), so we can try to use this software before you buy it.

And probably many more other benefits ...
For free Download please click:

Free Download BlogJet
Download Now

Hopefully useful to all of you ..

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Friday, August 5, 2011

Easy way to know Dofollow blog

Our desire to get free backlinks to improve our position in maximizing the search engines make us love to find dofollow blog and commented on it.
For that we need to find a blog that really - really dofollow, as many out there who claim dofollow blogs, dofollow blogs but it's not. for that we need to check whether blogs are really - really dofollow or not.

we immediately wrote to the principal talks we are "Easy Ways to Know Dofollow blog".
To find dofollow blog there are several ways of which are using mozilla firefox browser. With this browser we can find out if the blog is dofollow or nofollow.
The trick is quite simple: we only go to the line in the blog comments, and block the name of one of the names of visitors who commented on the blog then right click and select properties..
If the lettering on the properties nofollow mozilla firefox, then the blog is not a blog DoFollow, but nofollow. but otherwise if no nofollow lettering (lettering no nofollow / dofollow), then the blog is dofollow .. Essentially if there is no writing on the properties nofollow, then the blog is DoFollow.
very simple to find dofollow blog.

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What is dofollow blogs

Maybe for the master had a lot of bloggers who know what a DoFollow blog, yes indeed this post I aimed for those who do not know what it is about dofollow blogs.
In short I mean a blog is a dofollow blog where if we put a link when we commented on the blog then we will get a free backlink (1 comment we will be counted by google as a backlink).
Profit is what is sometimes exploited by the bloggers to find backlinks for free, especially when we want to find / raise our page rank, SEO tricks in this way felt quite powerful in increasing the page rank us.
So sometimes we see dofollow blogs must have been very many visitors who wrote the commentary for the sake of getting free backlinks.
So if we want to find backlinks for free, let's find dofollow blog and often to us commented on it.
Indeed many of the benefits we get from us comment on dofollow blogs, but for the owner of dofollow blogs can only gain in the number of visitors who come on these blogs, and blogs dofollow less getting a response from google so sometimes the blog is actually down its page rank, but not all dofollow blogs page rank is low, there is also dofollow blogs that have high page rank.
In conclusion dofollow blogs have advantages and disadvantages - each, live how we want to react to it.

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For bloggers who want to increase page rank by looking at the backlinks dofollow blogs nowadays has become a common practice done by the bloggers at this time.
The existence of dofollow blogs so in looking at this time by seekers raise the page rank backlinks for their blogs / raise the position of our blogs, especially blogs dofollow who have a high page rank.
why the search for backlinks to increase our page rank. with us to put a link on the web / blogs of others then our blog will be quickly indexed by Google so the chances are our blog visitors will be increased so that automatic page rank blog we will be ascending.

Here I give some info dofollow blogs Indonesia:
Hope can help you and be your reference ..

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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Peluang bisnis online blakBlakan

Peluang bisnis online blakblakan yang digawangi oleh rudi setiawan. Rudi setiawan merupakan marketer handal berkaliber Dunia dan sudah diakui kehandalannya.. beliau ingin mencoba membangun uatu Bisnis Network Marketing yang CEPAT, HANDAL dan EFEKTIF.
bersama rudi setiawan anda di janjikan mendapat keuntungan jutaan rupiah
Berikut ini adalah pengakuan beberapa marketer Dunia yang saya kutip dari

Rudy has been an affiliate of ours since 2005 and has never failed to be one of our top dogs on every launch we do. We have had the great pleasure of sending Rudy thousands and thousands of dollars in commissions over the years, he sells more and more with each new launch we do.
- Jeremy Burns
Source Code Gold Mine
Catatan: Jeremy Burns adalah pemilik beberapa bisnis internet yang mempunyai omset jutaan dollar per-tahunnya (setara dengan puluhan MILYAR rupiah).
Tekan disini untuk cari tentang Jeremy Burns.

Checking my stats on day I was slightly confused who this Rudy guy was who was making nice sales. Fast forward now multiple years and Rudy continues to impress me with this affiliate sales (even if English is not his first language).
- Yanik Silver
Founder Underground Online Seminar

Catatan: Yanik Silver adalah pemilik beberapa bisnis internet yang mempunyai omset puluhan juta dollar per-tahunnya (setara dengan ratusan MILYAR rupiah).
Tekan disini untuk cari tentang Yanik Silver.

Rudy has consistently done well for me as an affiliate over the last 2 years. I regard him as one of my trusted go-to guys that I can depend on as he is so knowledgeable about Internet Marketing. Rudy really is one of my secret weapons!
- Chris Freville
Internet Marketing Empire

Catatan: Chris Freville adalah pemilik beberapa bisnis internet yang mempunyai omset jutaan dollar per-tahunnya (setara dengan puluhan MILYAR rupiah).
Tekan disini untuk cari tentang Chris Freville.

… mampu menghasilkan omset lebih dari 167 juta rupiah

Bekerja saling bahu-membahu dengan Team BlakBlakan adalah suatu pengalaman yang LUAR BIASA.
Terima kasih kepada team BlakBlakan dan khususnya kepada Bpk. Rudy Setiawan yang telah memilih Golden Life untuk bersama membangun suatu Bisnis Network Marketing yang CEPAT, HANDAL dan EFEKTIF.
Saya teringat saat launching, awal Desember 2010… hanya dalam waktu 14 hari, team BlakBlakan mampu menghasilkan omset lebih dari 167 juta rupiah…, Sangat Dahsyat! Saya baru sadar bahwa benar komandan team blakblakan, Bpk. Rudy Setiawan adalah internet marketer kaliber dunia…, bravo Pak Rudy!
Dan saat ini Golden Life setiap minggu-nya membayar Bonus kepada lebih 100 member dari team BlakBlakan, System ini sangat membantu para member membangun Bisnis Golden Life dimanapun berada dan dari latar belakang apapun.
Maju Terus… dan BRAVO BlakBlakan!
Freddy Wowor
(Golden Life Managing Director)

tidak seperti bisnis online pada umumnya di anda tidak cuma hanya disuguhi  materi saja tetapi anda akan mendapatkan MATERI + ILMU + PENGALAMAN yang TIDAK AKAN HABIS dan TIDAK AKAN LEKANG oleh waktu.

jadi jangan tunda lagi kesempatan emas ini untuk bergabung bersama peluang bisnis online
untuk bergabung atau sekedar melihat peluang bisnis online silahkan kunjungi

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Often our computer feels slow / slow at the moment when our computer was first turned on. The cause could be a variety of things one of which is the number of programs running at the beginning of time windows in turn on (start up).
So to reduce the programs that run at start-up we could edit it via MSCONFIG to our computer noticeably faster when we first turn it on.

Programs that we should cut programs - programs that do not need it, for the antivirus should remain a priority.

Step - step is as follows:
1. Click Start and then click Run
2. then type: msconfig
3. select start-up
4. choose the program whatever we want to subtract at start up and then click Apply / OK
5. good luck

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The more rapid advancement of technology today, making us do not have to bother to the cafe to chat or just browse and find the articles you need ..
In the market now available modem (there is a specific GSM and CDMA) that can be brought anywhere where live connect the modem to the computer, as long as we credit a lot of internet access would not be a problem ..
At least you have a problem with your GSM modem network or maybe even a blank .. do not be too reckless to put your computer on a home just because you want to get your GSM network card .. some of these tips may help you to solve the above problem:
1. Make sure you choose the GSM operators who have a wide reach and strong signal and make sure you are in the range of that network, so it is possible there to get your GSM modem network.
2. Purchase an additional USB cable, do not bear - bear just buy a 10 feet or more .. With this additional USB cable you can put your modem in a place far away on the roof there or might be able to put your modem on a pole like a television antenna mast .. (Liver - liver rain when you put the modem in the outdoors).
3. Some of the bloggers out there have a opinion that we can improve the signal with the GSM modem to give / modem cover made of metal cans used with insect repellent spray .. so repellent spray cans in the holes and is closed on any GSM modem .., for point 3 is more complete search in google ..
Few tips from my easy - I hope to inspire you .. Criticism and suggestions I would thank you all for the sake of our progress together. May be useful ..

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