Sunday, December 11, 2011

Increase Capacity of RAM with USB Stick

This time I want to share about how to increase the capacity of RAM with USB stick ..
I addressed this article for readers who want to increase the capacity of RAM is just a USB stick ...
How do I make it?
For users of windows vista, to increase the RAM capacity will probably be very easy, using the existing use readyboost on windows vista ..

How to increase the capacity of RAM on Windows XP just by using a USB stick?
For us, the users of Windows XP to be able to increase the capacity of RAM without using pieces of RAM and only use a USB flash .. we can use ebooster.
Ebooster is a software to increase the capacity of RAM without using RAM chips, just use the USB stick.
Actually not just any USB stick that we can use to increase the capacity of RAM but can also use a memory card. (MC) or the like ..

To download Ebooster please click:

Free download ebooster download eBoostr.v3.0.Build.491with Patch

The next step, install on your computer and run the crack it ..
After booting is complete, then ebooster will automatically run and search for whatever tools we can use to increase the capacity of RAM (sebelunya plug the flash on a computer that can be detected by ebooster).
Select the device to be used as RAM and also specify the amount of capacity that will be used as RAM.
If it says "Do you want to build the cache file on the device now?" click yes.
Process is finished ...
very easy ...
Good luck ... I hope my writing can be useful for you all.

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Free Download Smadav Rev. 8.8

SmadAV Rev. 8.8 has now come to replace the previous version ..
With this newer version, SmadAV supplemented by several new features which is more perfect than the previous version, including:
- Addition of a new virus database 150
- Completion of Auto-scan is more accurate flash and interactive.
- As well as perfecting the new features that already existed before such as: scanning the registry, setting two new, one-Virus-By-User, etc..

now is the time to download and install smadav rev. 8.8 on your computer to maximize protection for your computer.
To download a free SmadAV Rev. 8.8 please click:

Free Download Smadav Rev. 8.8

I hope my information could be useful for you.

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Sunday, December 4, 2011


With more advanced technology today, the primary hard drive is not an option anymore to run the operating system. current OS (operating system) can also travel through the medium of CD (Compact Disk).

Especially for linux distros. A lot of linux distros out there that can run through the cd, of the many linux distros I was interested in puppy linux.

Initially when my computer was damaged on the hard drive so I can not use a computer.

Then I was looking for info on the internet about the linux live cd, which can run on my computer is super old. then i found a puppy linux live cd ..
The results are quite encouraging enough, puppy linux enough to help me, so I can use the computer, listening to music, etc. without the need to buy a new hard drive again, and to store important files can use a flash disk that we have.

Why I fell in love with puppy linux:

- Operating systems can be run live cd
- Can run Puppy Linux runs in RAM, so it allows us to take cd puppy linux after booting process is completed
- Simple
- The file size is small
- The program is also quite complete
- Able to delete the virus files are not visible when we use windows
- The driver is complete

Okay if you want to try and be interested to download puppy linux please click :

Download Puppy Linux Live CD

After visiting the link above choose model / version of linux puppy of your choice, remember downloaded files had the extension "*. iso".

Then after downloading the file *. iso, then stay in the burn
After the burn settings try booting your computer via a CD on your computer Bios.

I hope my writing can be useful for all ..

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Alexa rank ...
What Is the alexa rank ...
Alexa rank is a ranking of a website or blog created by made based on the number of visits to your blog or website that successfully recorded by

How can find out the number of visits a blog / website?
When the blog we have successfully registered to, we should install a script / widget that will we put on our blog .. This widget that will be a way for to find out how much the number of visitors to our blog .. so it's best if you install the Alexa widget on your blog.

In addition we also should install alexa toolbar on the browser you are taking ..
By installing Alexa toolbar on the browser we use, this will make it easier to find information visit Alexa when we visit our blog or the blogs of others who have been enrolled at

Alexa rank starting from rank 1 and so on, which ranks with the smallest number of the most good. This is what makes different alexa rank google page rank, where the google page rank peingkat rank 1 is the smallest and 10 is the best ranking.

After a brief explanation of what it knows alexa rank, we also need to know what the benefits of alexa rank.
Benefits include Alexa rank as a benchmark for us / How successful is our blog in cyberspace .. other than that if your blog has a good alexa rank will certainly make us proud and get prestige of course ..
Another benefit is we can make it easier to join the online business programs that use Alexa rank as a benchmark .. usually paid review program using the Alexa rank for / as a main requirement .. so the better the alexa ranking us the more our chances to get money from the internet ..

How to improve alexa rank?
To increase alexa rank a website or blog is by increasing the number of visitors to the blog / web us.
In addition we can also install the Alexa toolbar on the browser we use, the more often you visit your blog will surely increase the number of visits your blog so install / set the web address / blog on the home page the browser you use ..
In addition, install alexa widget on your blog / website.

For widgets alexa and alexa toolbar, you can be when you log on

To register please click :

Hopefully the above simple post could be helpful and beneficial to all

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