Sunday, July 31, 2011

Peluang bisnis online blakBlakan

Peluang bisnis online blakblakan yang digawangi oleh rudi setiawan. Rudi setiawan merupakan marketer handal berkaliber Dunia dan sudah diakui kehandalannya.. beliau ingin mencoba membangun uatu Bisnis Network Marketing yang CEPAT, HANDAL dan EFEKTIF.
bersama rudi setiawan anda di janjikan mendapat keuntungan jutaan rupiah
Berikut ini adalah pengakuan beberapa marketer Dunia yang saya kutip dari

Rudy has been an affiliate of ours since 2005 and has never failed to be one of our top dogs on every launch we do. We have had the great pleasure of sending Rudy thousands and thousands of dollars in commissions over the years, he sells more and more with each new launch we do.
- Jeremy Burns
Source Code Gold Mine
Catatan: Jeremy Burns adalah pemilik beberapa bisnis internet yang mempunyai omset jutaan dollar per-tahunnya (setara dengan puluhan MILYAR rupiah).
Tekan disini untuk cari tentang Jeremy Burns.

Checking my stats on day I was slightly confused who this Rudy guy was who was making nice sales. Fast forward now multiple years and Rudy continues to impress me with this affiliate sales (even if English is not his first language).
- Yanik Silver
Founder Underground Online Seminar

Catatan: Yanik Silver adalah pemilik beberapa bisnis internet yang mempunyai omset puluhan juta dollar per-tahunnya (setara dengan ratusan MILYAR rupiah).
Tekan disini untuk cari tentang Yanik Silver.

Rudy has consistently done well for me as an affiliate over the last 2 years. I regard him as one of my trusted go-to guys that I can depend on as he is so knowledgeable about Internet Marketing. Rudy really is one of my secret weapons!
- Chris Freville
Internet Marketing Empire

Catatan: Chris Freville adalah pemilik beberapa bisnis internet yang mempunyai omset jutaan dollar per-tahunnya (setara dengan puluhan MILYAR rupiah).
Tekan disini untuk cari tentang Chris Freville.

… mampu menghasilkan omset lebih dari 167 juta rupiah

Bekerja saling bahu-membahu dengan Team BlakBlakan adalah suatu pengalaman yang LUAR BIASA.
Terima kasih kepada team BlakBlakan dan khususnya kepada Bpk. Rudy Setiawan yang telah memilih Golden Life untuk bersama membangun suatu Bisnis Network Marketing yang CEPAT, HANDAL dan EFEKTIF.
Saya teringat saat launching, awal Desember 2010… hanya dalam waktu 14 hari, team BlakBlakan mampu menghasilkan omset lebih dari 167 juta rupiah…, Sangat Dahsyat! Saya baru sadar bahwa benar komandan team blakblakan, Bpk. Rudy Setiawan adalah internet marketer kaliber dunia…, bravo Pak Rudy!
Dan saat ini Golden Life setiap minggu-nya membayar Bonus kepada lebih 100 member dari team BlakBlakan, System ini sangat membantu para member membangun Bisnis Golden Life dimanapun berada dan dari latar belakang apapun.
Maju Terus… dan BRAVO BlakBlakan!
Freddy Wowor
(Golden Life Managing Director)

tidak seperti bisnis online pada umumnya di anda tidak cuma hanya disuguhi  materi saja tetapi anda akan mendapatkan MATERI + ILMU + PENGALAMAN yang TIDAK AKAN HABIS dan TIDAK AKAN LEKANG oleh waktu.

jadi jangan tunda lagi kesempatan emas ini untuk bergabung bersama peluang bisnis online
untuk bergabung atau sekedar melihat peluang bisnis online silahkan kunjungi

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Often our computer feels slow / slow at the moment when our computer was first turned on. The cause could be a variety of things one of which is the number of programs running at the beginning of time windows in turn on (start up).
So to reduce the programs that run at start-up we could edit it via MSCONFIG to our computer noticeably faster when we first turn it on.

Programs that we should cut programs - programs that do not need it, for the antivirus should remain a priority.

Step - step is as follows:
1. Click Start and then click Run
2. then type: msconfig
3. select start-up
4. choose the program whatever we want to subtract at start up and then click Apply / OK
5. good luck

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The more rapid advancement of technology today, making us do not have to bother to the cafe to chat or just browse and find the articles you need ..
In the market now available modem (there is a specific GSM and CDMA) that can be brought anywhere where live connect the modem to the computer, as long as we credit a lot of internet access would not be a problem ..
At least you have a problem with your GSM modem network or maybe even a blank .. do not be too reckless to put your computer on a home just because you want to get your GSM network card .. some of these tips may help you to solve the above problem:
1. Make sure you choose the GSM operators who have a wide reach and strong signal and make sure you are in the range of that network, so it is possible there to get your GSM modem network.
2. Purchase an additional USB cable, do not bear - bear just buy a 10 feet or more .. With this additional USB cable you can put your modem in a place far away on the roof there or might be able to put your modem on a pole like a television antenna mast .. (Liver - liver rain when you put the modem in the outdoors).
3. Some of the bloggers out there have a opinion that we can improve the signal with the GSM modem to give / modem cover made of metal cans used with insect repellent spray .. so repellent spray cans in the holes and is closed on any GSM modem .., for point 3 is more complete search in google ..
Few tips from my easy - I hope to inspire you .. Criticism and suggestions I would thank you all for the sake of our progress together. May be useful ..

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It sounds old-fashioned post this time .. yes indeed, but never mind this post is intended for readers who want to know about how to make windows 98 start up disk ..
Windows 98 start up disk is a DOS-based operating system, first I usually use the windows 98 start up disk to format the hard drive through fdisk contained in the windows 98 start up disk.
Often the windows 98 start up disk can also be used when the computer can not boot due to a virus or damage the operating system, with windows 98 start up disk you can save data / files that we consider important.
But windows 98 start up diak can only read the hard drive with fat format, FAT16 and FAT32 (at least that's what I know) and can not read NTFS format.
With widows 98 start up disk we are also often able to run MS DOS-based applications such as fdisk, edit (to create a file *. txt) and others.
Okay we get to the subject we are about how to make windows 98 startup disk
First we download the first file *. iso windows 98 start up disk click here (
After that we just burn the file with software nero (burn image not burn data)
Windows 98 start up disk you have finished
After that to try it, we just set the bios to boot (first boot via CD)
Insert the CD and restart the computer

May you succeed ..

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

DEADLY AutoRun function in Windows XP

Previously I'll explain what it autorun, autorun function on Windows XP used to run programs that run automatically when a storage medium such as CD we put into the computer, in short, if we insert a CD and pieces in it there is an autorun on a particular program, then the program will run automatically without the need for our execution, for example if we install a program through the CDs usually after we insert the CDs are then automatically appear the instructions to install the program .. For what the autorun function turned off? Actually it's up to you to turn off this function or not, because for those who frequently use use removable disk media (such as diskettes, CDs, Flask Disk Etc.) autorun function is sometimes made as a medium to launch / infect our computers .. After knowing the above explanation if we feel the need to disable autorun on your windows, the answer is up to you.
For those interested in trying to turn off the autorun function on Windows you let us go the next step, for those who are not interested in this article please leave immediately from this website (Just Kidding) ..
OK to turn off autorun functions we can do with gpedit,,
I click start - Run - Type in: gpedit.msc

After that search / entry on: Computer configuration - admnistrative templates - System
Then find the turn off autoplay

Then double-click Turn off autoplay and select enable .. click apply and ok

Autorun function on Windows you have been in power off ..
May be useful ..

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LIST YOUR ARTICLES TO 50 Social Bookmarking

To increase the page rank of our blog needed an SEO technique that efficacious and potent of which is to register the article that we post on blogs or our website to a social bookmarking site, because we are registering our article to a social bookmarking site so the possibility of our articles will be seen by others bigger and we can also get a free backlink.
But at the social bookmarking site so numerous, so it might make us confused.
But I have one that is more efficient tips to register our articles to social book marking site that is visited
In this place we can register our 50 th article of today's leading social bookmarking.
So do not delay to visit this site
May be useful.

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The technology is now becoming more sophisticated, we used to just be able to put video files, photos, music and other files that you have on your computer one and what if your friends / relatives want to copy the files on the computer we must first come to our house just to copy files that exist on our computers it's different now with the internet we can put the video files, music, photos or so at a particular site.
By putting our favorite missing something on a particular site we have several advantages including:
- We can download files whenever and wherever our passions without any distance limit. so we do not have to bother when we are out of town and want to access our files, just stay put on the internet.
- Conserve our computer hard drive space.
- We can make some money. If we put our files on a file sharing sites so if someone download our files then we will get a commission. The amount of commission depends on the provisions of those sites. Not good enough.

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What is a PTC (paid to click)

The Internet is a new business field for us a very promising at this time. One of them is a PTC (paid to click).
Paid to click is a business program on the internet where we're going to get money from every click on ads that we click. Besarnnya money and jobs that we can each day depending on the provisions of each program providers Paid To Click. Indeed, the money from every click on ads sometimes too low but we can raise our revenue by persuading our friends or relatives to join us in the PTC business through our reffeal link .. because with reffeal we can increase our revenue, because every member who join the site through a link reffeal us, we will get a commission from each click the ad is clicked by the member, not bad. Imagine if we had a lot of reffeal certainly will double our revenue.
Even in some of the sites we can buy reffeal, so we do not bother looking for prospective members, we only need to prepare money to buy reffeal.
seek information about PTC programs you want to follow. Look for information through an online business forum is the PTC program you will follow a scam or really - really pay us. Avoid PTC Programs that offer prices too high on a per-click advertising, usually a program like this a scam or look for information in advance if the site is a scam or pay us. So we are not disappointed later on ..
hopefully useful info ..

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Friday, July 15, 2011


This time I will share that knowledge to Use AutoRun to execute the program automatically. Autorun can work in the form of storage media CD, DVD, or flash .. Even autorun is often used as a way to enter the virus. There is also a local antivirus that uses autorun as a medium to immunize the flash of a virus attack.
In this article I will explain how to make the program run automatically through the medium of a CD (compact disc) by using the autorun.
Immediately, after we find out about the brief explanation above would be helpful to direct practice only.
Things - things that need to be prepared are:
1. Program to be executed (the program that had the extension *. exe)
2. One chip CD-ROM / CDRW (up to select one, my advice pake CD-RW just let it later if it fails we can use again the cd)
3. Direct practice.

First - first, let us prepare a folder that will hold the file *. exe
Then copy *. exe files into the folder. (For example see the drawing below)
For the example above I would make visualboyadvance.exe to run automatically via cd ..

Then open Notepad to create autorun ..

Write is as follows:
open = VisualBoyAdvance.exe
Then save the file with the name: autorun.inf
And the option save as type select all files
Save in the folder we created earlier
Then after that lived in the burn ....
May use the nero burning or other burning program
Wait until the burning process is complete
Once done try to reinsert the CD
Then the program will direct visualboyadvance run automatically without needing to click clack ..
So little of my knowledge may be useful ..

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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Smadav 8.6 Antivirus Free Download

SmadAV is made ​​in Indonesia antivirus, antivirus smadav is aimed at maximizing on / eradicate the virus - the virus made ​​in Indonesia. So it is good to maximize the protection on our computers and to avoid virus attacks the very rapidly growing now, we should combine / install antivirus smadav with international institutions such as avira antivirus, AVG, avast, norton or the other, so that our computers will always be safe from attack Indonesian virus and the virus globally.

SmadAV is now up to version 8.6 .. smadav 8.6 has two versions of the free and smadav smadav pro.
To smadav pro has several advantages compared smadav free them
- Automatic Update Online
- 10x Faster Scanning
- Exception List
- Maximize / Resize
- Change Color Theme
- Indonesian / English
- Admin Password
- License Use of Profit.
To use pro smadav you first have to be a donor / donation so you get a registration key to, upgrade your free smadav be smadav pro.
To download smadav free please click here
To get more information about antivirus smadav please click here

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